Friday, May 10, AD 2024 9:52pm

Obama: Right Wing Media Wrong

Many Americans have been accusing President Obama of steering the country away from democracy and towards a more autocratic form of government.  Well, Obama made a special televised message to the American people to address their concerns.Here is the video: [vodpod id=Groupvideo.3570303&w=425&h=350&fv=]I hope you enjoyed it!

(Biretta Tip: Noel Sheppard of NewsBusters)

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Donald R. McClarey
Sunday, October 4, AD 2009 3:29pm

Hilarious! President Log is right!

Monday, October 5, AD 2009 10:02am


The amazing thing about this video is that while it does not say so directly it shows that Obama is nothing but President Bush III. He has done nothing but continue the disasterous policies of his predecessor. His stimulous packages are no more than an extention of those socialist/communistic policies instituted by Bush II. His foreign/war policy is no diferent than Bush II- we are still in Iraq and expanding activity in Afgahnistan. Guantanemo is still open.

Unfortunately, one of the things that Obama ran on was that he owuld make our government less autocratic and move away from the strong unitary executive being pushed by Bush (and every president since the ratification of the Constitution and especially since Lincoln). Obama has done nothing to reign in presidential powers, and you can be assured that the Executive Branch will claim more powers 4 or 8 years from now when he leaves office than it did in January of this year.

As noted anti-federalists, such as Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, George Mason argued that the strong national government proposed by the Federalists in the Constitution was a threat to the rights of individuals and that the President would become a king. History has proven these gentlemen entirely correct.

American Knight
American Knight
Monday, October 5, AD 2009 6:30pm

I am not so sure that ALL Presidents expandanded executive power. Lincoln? Certainly. Nevertheless, Lincoln did stand against the money power and got a bullet in the head for it. Kennedy too. They shot Reagan but missed. They’ve gotten smarter though. Executive power is way out of line but the judicial power is far worse.

The executive is quickly becoming an impotent monarch. The real power is in the handlers of the president. That’s why you can’t tell the difference between the parties anymore. The same Commie fascists run the day-to-day machinations of government and the Fed and other trans-national banks that are all effectively coordinated.

Obama may not have accomplished anything but he has overstepped his rhetoric and people don’t like it. Well, sane people don’t like it. This is a good thing. I think that God may have answered our prayers with BHO. We may actually get the change we hope for it’s just going to take a while.

VA and NJ in 2009, the House in 2010 and the executive in 2012. What it will take is an unrelenting political onslaught and holding the Repubiclans to authentic conservative principles.

That is unless BHO is the anti-Christ. Hmmm . . .

Tuesday, October 6, AD 2009 5:49am

[…] erroneously called the Stimulus bill, Obama has accomplished virtually nothing, a fact which even Saturday Night Live is now mocking.  This is astonishing considering the size of his victory last year and the strength of his party […]

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