Saturday, April 20, AD 2024 3:00am

PopeWatch: Martin, All is Forgiven!







Pope Francis will travel to Sweden in October for a joint ecumenical commemoration of the start of the Reformation, together with leaders of the Lutheran World Federation and representatives of other Christian Churches.

The event will take place on October 31st in the southern Swedish city of Lund where the Lutheran World Federation was founded in 1947. While kicking off a year of events to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, it will also highlight the important ecumenical developments that have taken place during the past 50 years of dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans.


Go here to read the rest.  Perhaps at the “commemoration” some Lutheran can apologize for these statements by Martin Luther:


What is the whole papacy but a beautiful false front and a deceptively glittering holiness under which the wretched devil lies in hiding? The devil always desires to imitate God in this way. He cannot bear to observe God speaking.

If he cannot prevent it or hinder God’s Word by force, he opposes it with a semblance of piety, takes the very words God had spoken and so twist them as to peddle his lies and poison under their name. (What Luther Says, II: 10007)

Since the papal church not only neglects the command of Christ but even compels the people to ignore it and to act against it, it is certain that it is not Christ’s church but the synagogue of Satan which prescribes sin and prohibits righteousness. It clearly and indisputably follows that it must be the abomination of Antichrist and the furious harlot of the devil. (What Luther Says, II: 1019)

Let him who does not want to be lost and go to the devil be on his guard with all diligence and earnestness against the papacy and its doctrine, and let him never again accept even the most insignificant and smallest part of the papacy’s teaching, no matter what it may cost him. Let him flee from the papacy and its following as from the devil incarnate himself, and let him by no means be silenced by the sweet, slippery words of hypocrites or be persuaded that yielding and conceding something for the sake of peace is a matter of little consequence and that the bond of love should not be disrupted for the sake of something trifling (as they represent and rationalize this to be). Come now, there is assuredly no joking in this matter; eternal salvation and eternal damnation are involved. (What Luther Says, II:1019-1020)

Can anything more horrible be said than that the kingdom of the papists is the kingdom of those who spit at Christ, the Son of God, and crucify Him anew? For they do crucify Christ…in themselves, in the church…and in the hearts of the faithful…Therefore let everyone who is honestly given to piety flee out of this Babylon as quickly as possible…. For so great are its impurity and its abomination that no one can express them in words; they can be discerned only by eyes that are spiritual. (What Luther Says, II: 1020)

My dear pope, I will kiss your feet and acknowledge you as supreme bishop if you will worship my Christ and grant that through His death and resurrection, not through keeping your traditions, we have forgiveness of sins and life eternal. If you will yield on this point, I shall not take away your crown and power; if not, I shall constantly cry out that you are the Antichrist, and I shall testify that your whole cult and religion are only a denial of God, but also the height of blasphemy against God and idolatry. (What Luther Says, II: 1069)

What kind of a church is the pope’s church? It is an uncertain, vacillating and tottering church. Indeed, it is a deceitful, lying church, doubting and unbelieving, without God’s Word. For the pope with his wrong keys teaches his church to doubt and to be uncertain. If it is a vacillating church, then it is not the church of faith, for the latter is founded upon a rock, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it (Matt.16:18). If it is not the church of faith, then it is not the Christian church, but it must be an unchristian, anti-Christian, and faithless church which destroys and ruins the real, holy, Christian church. (Luther’s Works, vol. 40, Church and Ministry II, The Keys, p.348)

All this is to be noted carefully, so that we can treat with contempt the filthy, foolish twaddle that the popes present in their decrees about their Roman church, that is, about their devil’s synagogue (Rev.2:9), which separates itself from common Christendom and the spiritual edifice built up on this stone, and instead invents for itself a fleshly worldly, worthless, lying, blasphemous, idolatrous authority over all of Christendom. One of these two things must be true: if the Roman church is not built on this rock along with the other churches, then it is the devil’s church; but if it is built, along with all the other churches, on this roc, then it cannot be lord or head over the other churches. For Christ the cornerstone knows nothing of two unequal churches, but only of one church alone, just as the Children’s Faith, that is, the faith of all of Christendom, says, “I believe in one holy, Christian church,” and does not say, “I believe in one holy Roman church.” The Roman church is and should be one portion or member of the holy Christian church, not the head, which befits solely Christ the cornerstone. If not, it is not a Christian but an UN-Christian and anti-Christian church, that is, a papal school of scoundrels. (Luther’s Works, Volume 41, Church and Ministry III, Against The Roman Papacy, An Institution Of The Devil, p.311)

These arrogant and unlearned papists can’t govern the church because they write nothing, they read nothing, but, firmly saddled in the pride of possession, they cry out that the decrees of the fathers are not to be questioned and decisions made are not to be disputed, otherwise one would have to dance to the tune of every little brother. For this reason the pope, possessed by demons, defends his tyranny with the canon “Si papa.” This canon states clearly: if the pope should lead the whole world into the control of hell, he is nevertheless not to be contradicted. It’s a terrible thing that on account of the authority of this man we must lose our souls, which Christ redeemed with his precious blood. Christ says, “I will not cast out anybody who comes to me” (John 6:37). On the other hand, the pope says, “As I will it, so I command it; you must perish rather than resist me.” Therefore the pope, whom our princes adore, is full of devils. He must be exterminated by the Word and by prayer. (Luther’s Works, vol.54, Table Talk, No.441, p.330)


If they did of course it would be as meaningless as the Pope’s participation in this idiotic commemoration.  The Reformation was a serious event that split Western Christianity in a fight over the nature of the Church.  Ecumenical commemorations do a disservice to everyone involved in supporting and opposing the Reformation.  Basically such charades pat the original participants on the head and say that everyone meant well, but if they had only been as sophisticated as we moderns, everyone would have been singing Kumbaya together in nothing flat.  It is small wonder that Christianity is dying in Europe when the leadership have zero understanding of the great issues at stake that roused such passions during the Reformation period.

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Penguin Fan
Penguin Fan
Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 5:29am

I ignore this Pope. It keeps my blood pressure down.
I have read that Catholics should “love” the Pope. I don’t love the Pope. I don’t like the Pope. I want him to resign and go back to Argentina. The damage he has done will not be repaired in my lifetime.
So, I ignore him. I am a sinner in need of Confession. I am not “better” than the Pope or for that matter anyone who participates here…probably I’m worse.
I just refuse to get angry over what he says or does. I can’t let it ruin my life.

Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 6:01am

Not to be a naïve optimist I’m certainly not that, but I see with this pope, an opportunity
(a necessity, perhaps?)to dig further into my faith, to evaluate the contradictions and confusion and find the correct path to follow. This confusion is, in no small part, brought into the faith by Francis. Somewhere in all this, is a good–God, after all, has allowed it.

The Bear
Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 6:40am

“What is the whole papacy but a beautiful false front and a deceptively glittering holiness under which the wretched devil lies in hiding? The devil always desires to imitate God in this way. He cannot bear to observe God speaking.”

Who knew Luther was a prophet?

Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 6:55am

On re-reading, this one got me.
“…it is certain that it is not Christ’s church but the synagogue of Satan…”

And I thought the liberation theologians were bad.

Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 7:36am

I guess the Pope won’t be announcing Lutheranorum coetibus any time soon.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 9:20am

This is so ironic. What Martin Luther wrote about the Pope of his day and age applies quite well to the current Pope but for reasons opposite what he cites. It is this Pope’s abandonment of Sacred Tradition and embrace of almost every new heresy to come down the turnpike that makes Martin Luther’s words so prophetic as the Bear notes in a previous comment.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 10:22am

In addition to this novelty, the rehabilitation of the pope-hating, priest-hating, Martin Luther, I am sure PopeWatch will notice the future children’s oook to be released in April: The Pope will answer questions put to him from God-knows-where,such as:

“Dear Pope Francis,” 10-year-old Mohammed begins, “Will the world be again as it was in the past?”

The pope’s response to Mohammed spoke in part of suffering and the people who inflict it:
“There are those who manufacture weapons so that people fight each other and wage war. There are people who have hate in their hearts. There are people who are interested only in money and would sell everything for it. They would even sell other people,” he wrote.

–“Pope Francis Answers Kids’ Questions in New Book”, 1/25/2016, Yahoo News

Well, sounds like there are some humans that are beyond “mercy”, and its OK to teach children to hate.
I wouldn’t want this man reading any “children’s books” to my children or grandchildren.

Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 1:51pm

Steve Phoenix – I thought you were making some kind of joke until I followed your link.
Oh no.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Tuesday, January 26, AD 2016 5:13pm

Anzlyne, would that I could fabricate an Eye-of-the-Tiber-style burlesque, but nothing is as mad as this papacy is in actual fact.
Light-show on once-sacred St. Peter’s, tonight, anyone?

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