Friday, April 19, AD 2024 7:18pm

PopeWatch: Gomorrah

Sandro Magister looks at how the Church has dealt with widespread sexual immorality among the clergy in the past:



“The situation is comparable to that of the Church in the 11th and 12th century.” As an authoritative Church historian and as president of the pontifical committee of historical sciences from 1998 to 2009, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, 89, has no doubt when he sees the present-day Church “shaken to its foundations” on account of the spread of sexual abuse and homosexuality “in an almost epidemic manner among the clergy and even in the hierarchy.”

“How could it have come to this point?” the cardinal wonders. And his answer is found in an extensive and detailed article published in recent days in the German monthly “Vatican Magazin” directed by Guido Horst:

> Homosexualität und Missbrauch – Der Krise begegnen: Lehren aus der Geschichte

In its complete Italian version:

> Omosessualità e abusi – Affrontare la crisi: le lezioni della storia

Brandmüller refers to the centuries in which the bishoprics and the papacy itself had become such a source of wealth that there was “fighting and haggling over them,” with temporal rulers claiming that they themselves could apportion these offices in the Church.

The effect was that the place of pastors was taken by morally dissolute persons who were attached to the endowment rather than to the care of souls, by no means inclined to lead a chaste and virtuous life.

Not only concubinage, but homosexuality too was increasingly widespread among the clergy, to such an extent that Saint Peter Damian in 1049 delivered to the newly elected pope Leo IX, known as a zealous reformer, his “Liber Antigomorrhianus,” composed in the form of a letter, which in essence was an appeal to save the Church from the “sodomitic filth that insinuates itself like a cancer in the ecclesiastical order, or rather like a bloodthirsty beast rampaging through the flock of Christ.” Sodom and Gomorrah, in the book of Genesis, are the two cities that God destroyed with fire on account of their sins.

But the thing more worthy of note, Brandmüller writes, was that “almost simultaneously a lay movement arose that was aimed not only against the immorality of the clergy but also against the appropriation of ecclesiastical offices by secular powers.”

“What rose up was the vast popular movement called ‘pataria,’ led by members of the Milanese nobility and by some members of the clergy, but supported by the people. In close collaboration with the reformers associated with Saint Peter Damian, and then with Gregory VII, with the bishop Anselm of Lucca, an important canonist who later became Pope Alexander II, and with others still, the ‘patarini’ demanded, even resorting to violence, the implementation of the reform that after Gregory VII took the name ‘Gregorian’: for a celibacy of the clergy lived out faithfully and against the occupation of dioceses by secular powers.”

Go here to read the rest.  The strategy of the Lavender Mafia is to redefine their favorite sin as no longer being a sin.

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Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 5:15am

The Lavender Mafia will not accept that sodomy is the addiction to the vice of lust, abuse and assault and battery. All addiction is a violation of man’s free will and freedom. Addiction shrinks the good art of the brain. Defrock “uncle ted”

Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 5:25am

“Secular powers”? Might that not mean we get an egg roll with such a misappropriation?

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 5:30am

In the end we will belong to the one we served.

King of Virtue. King of Vice.

That’s it.
The final walk to the camp we belong to will not be surprising for the camper.
Be a happy camper huh! Choose Life!
Sodomites will gather for an uninterrupted camp fire………. forever.

Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 6:44am

“I’d rather be my comrade dead,
Than you in life supreme:
For yours the sinner’s waking dread,
And his the martyr’s dream.
Whom serve we in this life, we serve
In that which is to come:
He chose his way, you yours; let God
Pronounce the fitting doom.”
— from YOUR LETTER, LADY, CAME TOO LATE by Colonel William S. Hawkins

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 10:00am

Fr. Martin’s, “God made me that way” cop-out is the epitome of weak knees. For him to buy into and then sell this trash to his followers is unbecoming of a clergyman in good standing.

Take a twenty four year old heterosexual that is extremely promiscuous and apply Fr. Martin’s professional exclamation….in other words cheap mercy only perpetuates the activity, and is thought to be a “nice” pastoral approach.
Meanwhile the field of prey widens.

Gomorrah could be the name of a rouge astroid that has the potential to shake and bake the inhabitants of a “nice” world.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 10:24am

And who among us doesn’t hate tarted up asteroids as much as vagabond ones?

Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 1:32pm

@Ernst Schreiber — Did you just make a joke of confusing Omosessualità with ʻOumuamua? That’s pretty good — if a bit obscure.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 4:57pm

As a recovering drug addict & alcoholic, I agree with Mary De Voe. Maybe these people should go to Sexaholics Anonymous ?

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 6:19pm

“The strategy of the Lavender Mafia is to redefine their favorite sin as no longer being a sin.”

More like a virtue as opposed to just not being a sin with these guys.

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 9:41pm

@Philip: “Fr. Martin’s, “God made me that way” cop-out is the epitome of weak knees. For him to buy into and then sell this trash to his followers is unbecoming of a clergyman in good standing.”
God made man. Man procreated mankind. Some accidents of nature occur and homosexuality comes into being.
The addiction to the vice of lust and sodomy is a free will act of man for which he must answer to God and to himself for the abuse of creation.
It is inconceivable that Father Martin can be so foolish in public.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Tuesday, November 6, AD 2018 10:16pm

It is inconceivable that Father Martin can be so foolish in public.

Is it really?

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