Friday, May 10, AD 2024 10:10pm

SOLT Statement Regarding Fr. John Corapi

Official Statement of SOLT (Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity) regarding Fr. John Corapi:

As the Regional Priest Servant of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT), I issue the following statement on behalf of the Society.

On 16 March 2011, the Bishop of Corpus Christi, Texas, and the SOLT received a complaint against Fr. John Corapi, SOLT. As is normal procedure and due to the gravity of the accusation alleging conduct not in concert with the priestly state or his promises as a member of a society of apostolic life of diocesan right, Fr. Corapi was suspended from active ministry (put on administrative leave) until such a time that the complaint could be fully investigated and due process given to Fr. Corapi. In the midst of the investigation, the SOLT received a letter from Fr. Corapi, dated June 3, 2011, indicating that, because of the physical, emotional and spiritual distress he has endured over the past few years, he could no longer continue to function as a priest or a member of the SOLT. Although the investigation was in progress, the SOLT had not arrived at any conclusion as to the credibility of the allegations under investigation.

At the onset, the Bishop of Corpus Christi advised the SOLT to not only proceed with the policies outlined in their own constitutions, but also with the proper canonical procedures to determine the credibility of the allegations against Fr. Corapi. We reiterate that Fr. Corapi had not been determined guilty of any canonical or civil crimes. If the allegations had been found to be credible, the proper canonical due process would have been offered to Fr. Corapi, including his right to defense, to know his accuser and the complaint lodged, and a fair canonical trial with the right of recourse to the Holy See. On June 17, 2011, Fr. John Corapi issued a public statement indicating that he has chosen to cease functioning as a priest and a member of the SOLT.

The SOLT is deeply saddened that Fr. Corapi is suffering distress. The SOLT is further saddened by Fr. Corapi’s response to these allegations. The SOLT will do all within its power to assist Fr. Corapi if he desires to seek a dispensation from his rights and obligations as a priest and as a professed member of the SOLT. We request your prayers and the intercession of the Blessed Mother for the healing of Fr. Corapi and for any who have been negatively affected by Fr. Corapi’s decision to end his ministry as a priest and a member of the SOLT.

Fr Gerrard Sheehan, SOLT
Regional Priest Servant


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Donald R. McClarey
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 5:27am

I’d say Corapi does need our prayers and a swift kick in the hind end. I greatly enjoyed his sermons broadcast over the radio a few years ago. I admired both his fervor and his good humor. The failure to actively defend himself against what he alleges are baseless charges and then his unilateral, and bizarre, statement seeking to cease to function as a priest, leads me to assume that the charges against him are likely true and that is therefore why he is not proceeding forward with his defense. Supporters of Corapi will doubtless consider such an assumption as unfair, but it is certainly more “fair” than the way Corapi has let down the many people who looked up to him as a Champion of the Faith.

Paul Primavera
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 5:49am

Priests are human beings, too. We don’t know the full story. Furthermore, Bishops continue to allow liberal priests to disinform and mislead the masses. Maybe Father Corapi did commit wrong doing. Maybe not. But he never misled the masses with heterodox liberal progressive crap from the left wing of the Church. True, one could argue this Black Sheep Dog thing is an attempt to mislead. I don’t know. It’s too soon to judge. I would suggest a little charity right now. I am surprised to find myself writing those words.

Lord Jesus, I do hope and pray that the allegations against Father Corapi are false. Whatever the case may be, if he does deserve the swift kick in the behind that Donald suggests, then Thy will be done. Amen.

Art Deco
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 7:59am

The SOLT will do all within its power to assist Fr. Corapi if he desires to seek a dispensation from his rights and obligations as a priest and as a professed member of the SOLT.


And as long as he remains a member of the order, should not their investigation continue to its conclusion?

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 8:13am

I caught a few of Corapi’s self-righteous sermons on EWTN in recent years and always found him a bit creepy. Another reason why I have yet to fully embrace Catholicism.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 8:22am

More on the “black sheepdog.” who apparently will now give up and go the way of Jim Bakker and probably turn up soon on TBN

Paul W. Primavera
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 8:37am


I expected that response from you. Fr. Corapi didn’t preach the Demokratik Party’s false gospel of social justice, the common good and peace at any price. He preached the Gospel of Repentance and Conversion. I suppose that that Gospel was pretty creepy to Jesus’ detractors, as well. Now were there things that I didn’t like about Fr. Corapi? Yes – the whole thing over the sales pitch for his CDs, DVDs and books. But St. Paul did say somewhere in his epistles that the workman is worthy of his hire, and in the main Fr. Corapi was on target. As to whether he’s done wrong or not, he is human and therefore by definition he has done wrong. Who hasn’t?

One thing is certain: while maybe Fr. Corapi is misleading (or could mislead) people with this new adventure (the Black Sheepdog web site), he didn’t do any of the crap that spews forth weekly from parish pulpits by liberal progressive priests.

I shall always remember Fr. Corapi as a man of God who, perhaps like King David before him, sinned. Yet the Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart.

BTW, Fr. Corapi is a self-admittted cocaine addict. Addicts are almost always grandiose and victimized in their own eyes. Recovery is a daily process contingent on one’s spiritual condition (as Bill Wilson states in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous), and no one is exempt from the possibility of relapse which often happens in the head long before that first drink or drug is picked up. I speak from my own king-baby experiences. Therefore, it’s easy to condemn Fr. Corapi as creepy. It’s not easy to be forgiving and pray for him. So last night I spent an hour at Eucharistic Adoration praying for him, not because I am holy or better than him, but because I am just one drink or drug away from a drunk myself. NO, I did NOT say Fr. Corapi has relapsed. Rather, what I am saying is that I see mixed messages in Fr. Corapi’s statement – messages of victimization alongside messages of “don’t blame the bishop.” That’s behavior I well recognize only because much to my own doom I have indulged in it.

Pray for Fr. Corapi. Then when you’re done, pray again.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 8:45am

Paul, sorry no prayers for him from me or anyone else including myself. After decades of sending up requests and receiving zero replies, I’m done with that nonsense. As for Corapi, he’s a hypocrite first and foremost for having taken vows of obedience, chastity and poverty and then breaking all three. Secondly, this is the same old pattern we see every time a “man of the cloth” declares his sins to the world, issues the obligatory oh-poor-me apology, a general denial of the charges and then portrays himself as “the victim.” For me yet another nail in the coffin that is the Catholic Church.

Dante alighieri
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 8:53am

For me yet another nail in the coffin that is the Catholic Church.

One would think that witnessing yet further proof of the fallen nature of man would lead one to reconsider the primary purpose of Christ’s ministry on Earth. If you’re looking for the sort of God that allows for a semi-utopian plane of existence where none are fallen or deserving of prayer, then naturally you are going to be disappointed.

Paul W. Primavera
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 8:56am


For years I sent up prayers and got what I thought were zero replies. I have since realized I wasn’t praying what I should have been praying:

“Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying ONLY for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”

My problem was that I was always asking for my will to be done instead of His, so like the good Father that He is, He said, “NO!!” (because my willk gets me drunk or high), and then He had the unmitigated gall to have my coworkers and supervisor force me into a rehab and a 12 step program. He saved my life in spite of my best efforts to the contrary. So now I pray, “Thy will be done.” And I don’t expect visions from Mount Sinai. God doesn’t give them to me anyways because I would just consider them LSD flash backs.

Did Fr. Corapi break his vows? I don’t know for sure. But I certainly broke every vow I made to God. Yet He still had mercy. Don’t judge the Bride of Christ by Her fallible servants. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” “All man’s righteousness is as filthy rags.”

Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 9:13am

“I’d say Corapi does need our prayers and a swift kick in the hind end” “leads me to assume that the charges against him are likely true”

I guess I expected something a little better from AC. But, as I’m beginning to see, Catholics turn on and abandon there own quicker that you could bat an eye. The insufferable snobbery has indeed drifted over here too, following the lead from Mark Shea. No, They’d rather see Father Corapi bleed to death. Did you even bother to listen to his 2nd meesage.

With all your heroic posts about brave Americans, you have truly revealed yourself to be a coward, a sellout.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 9:15am

Paul, it’s always interesting how Scripture can be used for whatever purpose or excuse one needs to summon. I read, too: “Ask anything in my name and it shall be done.” I didn’t see an asterisk on that comment by Jesus nor did I think it applied to his apostles only.
Kierkegaard said prayer doesn’t change God, it changes us. And he was right. Because it changed me into a non-believer. I’m glad, Paul, you’re saved and believe. I cannot come to the point and don’t think I ever will. As for “God’s will,” another easy way to explain all the disappointments that we as humans experience after the sufferings and travails we are forced to endure. Like Job, who am I to question the Man in Charge? Either do it His way or hit the highway to hell. That’s not free will.

Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 9:20am

I guess I expected something a little better from AC. But, as I’m beginning to see, Catholics turn on and abandon there own quicker that you could bat an eye. The insufferable snobbery has indeed drifted over here too, following the lead from Mark Shea. No, They’d rather see Father Corapi bleed to death. Did you even bother to listen to his 2nd meesage.

All other things being equal, I would have been happy to give Corapi the benefit of the doubt, but up and abandoning your vows as a priest is way up there on the list of worst possible things you could do in this situation.

I think Creative Minority Report pretty much nailed this one.

Dante alighieri
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 9:21am

Did you even bother to listen to his 2nd meesage. [sic]

I don’t know about Don, but I did, and it convinced me further that something was afoul.

Paul W. Primavera
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 9:29am


To ask something in Jesus’ Name is to do what He did: “Father, if it be possible, may this cup be removed from me; yet not as I will, but Thine be done.”

When I pray, “God, in Jesus name heal this person”, or “God, in Jesus’ name give me a new wife,” I am demonstrably NOT praying in Jesus’ name, but making a mockery of His name (which I did for years as I treated God like a slot machine).

I was in hell when I did things by my own will. I was once a millimeter away from the heroin needle, AIDS and death. I lived that hell for a number of years. I should be dead underneath a bridge with a needle in my left arm and a bottle of vodka in my right hand. I really don’t want to go back.

Have bad things happened to me in the 25+ subsequent years? Yup. A woman who once loved me and marrried me has turned on me. I don’t get to see my kids any longer. I often feel so alone. But when I look at all these things objectively, I usually see where “self-will run riot” has screwed up my life, NOT God. Hell is my refusal of God. God doesn’t so much send me there as I send myself there. He isn’t a dictator who says, “My way or I burn you for an eternity.” He is a Father who says, “Don’t send yourself to hell; come home into my loviing arms.” But in His love He respects our free will and has provided a way without Him. That way is simply hell. In other words, refusal of God is hell and it starts here and now. I have been there and done that.

Read the Chapter to the Agnostic in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. I realize you’re not alcoholic (and this isn’t “Catholic”), but at least look at this with an open mind (and any Traditionalists reading this shouldn’t object to something that has saved millions of lives). Don’t close yourself up as I did for so many years. Here’s the link (I hope – I really hate doing blog comments on an iPad – Apple ain’t all it’s cracked up to be):

Paul W. Primavera
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 9:34am

Sorry about the digression from the topic of Fr. Corapi, folks. I was just answering Joe’s objections. As for Fr. Corapi, yes, I think something is afoul, but II shall still give him the benefit of the doubt. Yes, I agree with Darwin that abandoning one’s vows is a very bad sign indeed. Yet we still donn’t know all the circumstances, and Fr. Corapi, as fallibly human as he is, still isn’t one of the effeminate nit wit liberal progressives spewing forth nice-nicee at Sunday morning Masses instead of openly confronting abortion, contraception, sodomy, etc. However, as a recovering cocaine addict, he is likely finding (as the Big Book describes) that the lime light is a set up for relapse, mental and spiritual if not physical. Nope, I did NOT say he relapsed. But as Paul Zummo said, something is afoul.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 9:56am

Zummo’s reference to second message I believe is this. Plays the blame game.

Still pointing fingers. Remember when you point a finger there are four more pointing back at you.

Donald R. McClarey
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 10:03am

“With all your heroic posts about brave Americans, you have truly revealed yourself to be a coward, a sellout.”

Get over yourself Jasper. Actually that is sound advice for Corapi also. Since you are lobbing personal insults I am putting you on moderation.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 10:07am

Darwin, I find myself agreeing with you for a change. Great Corapi parody:

Paul W. Primavera
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 10:38am

Father Corapi’s latest announcement is here:

He references the accusation of relapse. I repeat: I have NOT accused him of relapse. I do NOT know who has so accused him. I am simply thankfully that I myself haven’t relapsed. But this audio release makes me more worried than ever. I shall continue to pray for him. Please, everyone, pray for Father Corapi.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 10:46am

Sounds like Corapi was fed up with the Church hierarchy for failing to lawyer him up on prior accusations, including raping a woman in Milwaukee and allegations he was back on coke. Likewise, the bishop appears to have either had the goods on him on the latest charge or felt the continuing charges of wrongdoing were sufficient in themselves to justify letting him hang out to dry.

Corapi says the Church “didn’t lift a finger” to help him over the years with legal expenses or health care and that he spent tens of thousands of dollars of his own money on such things. Which raises the question as to where all the money came from. Evidently, he did a thriving business in selling crucifixes, Bibles and other religious items via EWTN, on his website and by the collection plate while on an Elmer Gantry-style tour.

As he “broadens” his interests, look for him to show up soon on secular shows and TBN hawking his autobiography and taking cheap shots at the Church while piously professing to still be a faithful son. Oh, the hypocrisy! But then, who among is is not a hypocrite at one time or another in our sorry lives?

Donald R. McClarey
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 10:56am

“For me yet another nail in the coffin that is the Catholic Church.”

Please Joe. Judas, an apostle, betrayed the Son of God with a kiss. If human weakness, folly and sin were an argument against Catholicism the Church would have died at the Crucifixion. It is no argument against Catholicism that some of its representatives are mired in sin. Christ died on the Cross precisely to save us from the consequences of our sins and not to magically transform the race of Adam into sinless Angels who will never have give way to temptation or sin. Mother Church has confession for the very good reason that we are all sinners in great need of repentance. The idea that priests can sin is no more argument against the truth of the Faith, then the idea that cops and judges commit crimes is an argument against the law.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 11:05am

Don, I take no pleasure in schadenfreude. While Corapi dug his own hole, seems to me the Church could have done more both now and in the past to stand by him IF he is/was innocent as he proclaims. Perhaps, however, the budget for legal expenses has been so overwhelmed that there’s nothing in the till to defend yet another lawsuit.

Paul W. Primavera
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 11:05am

A point of clarification regarding that accusation of rape in Milwaukee to which Joe refers,, Fr. Corapi explained in his audio recording that the alleged incident occurred when he wasn’t even present in Milwaukee, and that the woman who so accused him explained to the police that he jumped out of the TV screen and raped her.

Joe, please let’s have some relevant context here.

Jay Anderson
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 12:06pm
Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 1:14pm

Does anyone know if Corapi collected the $3.2 million he won in a lawsuit and, if so, what he did with the money?
Here’s a link referring to it:

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 2:45pm

Paul P, my point referring to the rape charge was not to give it any credence but rather to point out that the Church, as he asserts, did not come to his defense. Corapi said he had to clear things up by hiring his own lawyer and it cost him 5 grand.

I’m interested in the legal/canonical process, which Corapi is foregoing asserting it is “impossible” for him to get justice or be exonerated. It would seem to me that the Church and ultimately Rome, to which he could finally appeal, would use a fair and exhaustive process in a search for the truth.

Don, any insights into this?

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 2:49pm

Regarding my previous post, here is but one example of how a falsely accused priest suffered calumny. His death came June 11 after much needless suffering.

c matt
c matt
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 5:30pm

Remember when you point a finger there are four more pointing back at you.

Actually, only three. Unless you have some wierd jointing in your thumb, which usually rests across the other three fingers when pointing, and therefore is aimed to the side, rather than back at you. :mrgreen:

Donald R. McClarey
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 5:44pm

“I’m interested in the legal/canonical process, which Corapi is foregoing asserting it is “impossible” for him to get justice or be exonerated. It would seem to me that the Church and ultimately Rome, to which he could finally appeal, would use a fair and exhaustive process in a search for the truth.

Don, any insights into this?”

The Church would have the right to take any action against him she pleased in regard to his status as a priest and any ecclesiastical sanctions that were to be imposed. Just because Corapi is saying “no mas” does not end the matter as far as the Church is concerned. If Corapi is refusing to cooperate, which I assume that is what he is saying, then he could be held to have defaulted in the case. In regard to these issues of course I am not a Canon Lawyer, nor do I play one on the blog, and it would require a Canon Lawyer to flesh out the very rough outline I have just given.

George M
George M
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 5:44pm

I agree with Joe. I am a proud Catholic, but beleive the Church does absolutely nothing to defend it’s accused priests. In light of all the bad publicity the Catholic Church has had recently, it just does not want anymore! So.. They take the priest out of service, shut him up, and tie up the acusations in court till they go away and are forgotten. The accused priest never get’s justice, and the accuser is usually shut up by an out of court settelement with the stippulation they can not talk about or profit from the incident.
I beleive John Corapi is doing the right thing. I hope he goes after the false accuser in court, exposes them, and the unfair practices of the Catholic Church when it pertains to accused priests.
I pray for all involved, and God’s Will be done when it comes to defending your bretheren.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 6:13pm

c matt, point conceded, 3 not 4 fingers, of course. In my case, I can point my thumb back at me when I raise my forefinger at a higher angle…oh, never mind.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 6:16pm

Don, by “any action,” assume this could include defrocking or excommunication. I came across the word, “laicize,” which sounds like a euphemism for defrocking. In any event, it appears his days as a priest are over despite is claims otherwise.

Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 7:36pm


I’m sorry about the comment above, it was out of line-

Donald R. McClarey
Tuesday, June 21, AD 2011 9:08pm

No problem Jasper. As far as I am concerned it never happened. You are off moderation and I feel so good I am even taking T.Shaw off moderation! 🙂

Paul Primavera
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 5:56am

Please see, “Calling Back Black Sheep Dog Home” at St. Joseph Communications.


Joe Green
Joe Green
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 8:19am
Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 12:35pm

“Please see, “Calling Back Black Sheep Dog Home” at St. Joseph Communications.”

While I found their appeal moving, it was erroneous in the respect of their “Come back to the Church” statements and their exhorting Corapi to be “obedient”. John Corapi has not left the Church. He may or may not be on that trajectory, but he hasn’t left the Church as of yet. Nor has his actions constituted an act of disobedience. By stating “[t]he SOLT will do all within its power to assist Fr. Corapi if he desires to seek a dispensation from his rights and obligations as a priest and as a professed member of the SOLT.” Fr. Sheehan is acknowledging that Corapi is acting within his rights.

While I find the course that he has decided to embark upon troubling, some of the critiques of it to be just as troubling. For one I find Mr. McClarey’s saying he believes the accusations against him to be likely true on that basis to be knee jerkish and uncharitable. His actions, given the present provisions now in place that have trapped several accussed priests in suspebnsion indefininately, give no indication of his guilt or innocence for that matter.

I say this as one who is neither a fan or anti-fan of Corapi. I just think we don’t have enough knowledge of the facts thus far to make teh kind of critiques that thave been made. I would suggest one read what Bishop Gracida has to say via the link Jay Anderson posted above.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 12:53pm

I would also like to say that in reading the somewhat distressing accounts of those who have been positively influenced by John Corapi’s preaching I am reminded of how I feel about the unCatholic behavior of the prominent Catholic apologetics and writers establishment’s refusal to, as Our Lord says, “pull the plank out your own eye before you pull the speck out of your brother’s eye.” I am talking about the way they refused and still refuse, to hold people like Mark Shea accountable for his calumnious diatribes against those who hold legitimately Catholic views on geopolitical and national security issues. For a good, but by no means exhaustive, synopsis, I would recommend reading Chris Blosser’s take here:

Like many of those who were influenced by Corapi, I was similarly influenced by the works of Catholic apologists like those at Catholic Answers, and the like when I was just coming back to the Church almost 20 years ago. And to watch these very same people continue to circle the wagons around their bad apples while telling others to clean their batches is heartbreaking. So, I understand the pain many are feeling with the whole Corapi situation. But there is no evidence at this juncture that John Corapi has engaged in calumny or enabled it. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about the “orthodox” Catholic apologists and writers establishment.

I think that what has transpired in the last last decade with things like teh priest sex abuse scandal, the horrible double life lead by LC founder Marcel Maciel, as well as what I describe above offers a great opportunity to for us Catholoics to take a long hard look at ourselves before we tell the rest of the world what is wrong with them.

Mike Petrik
Mike Petrik
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 1:14pm

When encountering sad developments like Corapi’s, it is important to remember this wisdom from Flannery O’Connor:

Christ was crucified on earth and the Church is crucified by all of us, by her members most particularly, because she is a church of sinners. Christ never said that the Church would be operated in a sinless or intelligent way, but that it would not teach error. This does not mean that each and every priest won’t teach error, but that the whole Church speaking through the Pope will not teach errors in matters of faith. The Church is founded on Peter who denied Christ three times and couldn’t walk on the water by himself. You are expecting his successors to walk on the water.

O’Connor had it right. We will always have sinful priests, just as we will always have sinful laity. We must hold onto the Church anyway — I hope Corapi eventually realizes that too.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 1:27pm

If you take time to read the hundreds of comments on various websites, the vast majority are supportive of Corapi, who is gradually achieving cult status. Many of his followers are pledging eternal devotion to him, which reminds me of what happened with Jim Jones 30-some years ago when they all wound up drinking the Kool-Aid.

Corapi’s selection of “black sheepdog” not only connotes the idea, as I am sure he intended, of portraying himself an antiestablishment underdog rebel but also alludes to his defiance of the Church leadership. His in-your-face, less-than-humble pronouncements paint a picture of a megalomaniac tone deaf to the vow of obedience he took when ordained.

The entire story has yet to unfold and be rewritten. Interesting timing given that his autobiographical book is due out soon, which no doubt he will be plugging on every talk show he can get on, fueled by the growing notoriety he himself has managed to ignite, making him much in demand for his 15 minutes+ of new-found fame.

Clearly the Church would like nothing better than for this rogue to vanish into obscurity, but Corapi’s avowals to keep on trucking augur for more drama and unwanted publicity in the weeks and months ahead. Sooner or later, the 3-page letter the alleged victim wrote to the bishops will be leaked, providing more salacious material for the tabloids. One can see the cover story of a future Enquirer: “Pop Preacher In sex-drug scandal”. Should sell a lot of books.

Donald R. McClarey
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 2:48pm

“For one I find Mr. McClarey’s saying he believes the accusations against him to be likely true on that basis”

Having spent the last 29 years representing people in court accused of felonies or misdemeanors, I have never, in the hundreds of cases I have been involved in, had someone who is innocent not mount a vigorous defense. Corapi began this whole melodrama by claiming that the charges against him were false and stating that he would cooperate in the process. Now he refuses to cooperate in the process, walks away from the priesthood and wants people to simply accept his word that he is innocent. Yeah, to me that all adds up to someone who is probably guilty of what he is accused of. Common sense should not fly out the window simply because a priest is the accused.

Paul W. Primavera
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 2:57pm

I for one hope and pray you are wrong, Donald. I am still sick to my stomach because (having been a lying alcoholic dope fiend myself) I know how true your words could be for me. But for the grace of God……..

Joe Green
Joe Green
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 3:00pm

Don, in a narrow sense your analysis is compelling but in a larger frame of reference, consider the complications caused by Corapi’s civil lawsuit against his accuser, which SOLT determined to be a problem in conducting its investigation.

As The National Catholic Register reported:

“The civil suit against the former employee created a problem for SOLT investigators.

“In canon law, there can’t be any pressure on witnesses; they have to be completely free to speak. The investigation was compromised because of the pressure on the witnesses. There were other witnesses that also had signed non-disclosure agreements,” said Father Sheehan (diocese spokesman).

“The canon lawyers were in a difficult situation, and Father does have his civil rights and he decided to follow his legal counsel, which he had a right to do,” he said. “We tried to continue the investigation without speaking to the principal witnesses.”

Read more:

Perhaps it’s too fine a legal point to put on it, but is Corapi, as a priest, precluded from exercising his civil rights and are these rights subordinate to the Church’s authority?

Donald R. McClarey
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 3:00pm

I might add that I would be overjoyed if Corapi were to be found to be completely innocent. However, I can see little chance of that ever being the case since he refuses to cooperate in the process.

Paul W. Primavera
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 3:08pm

I know, Donald, that you would be overjoyed if Fr. Corapi is found innocent. We all would. But everything looks so dark now, and it doesn’t help that he chose the Black Sheepdog moniker.

I like Joe’s relative open mindedness about this whole thing. He’s being a lot more charitable than many of either Fr. Corapi’s supporters or detractors.

Donald R. McClarey
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 3:11pm

“Perhaps it’s too fine a legal point to put on it, but is Corapi, as a priest, precluded from exercising his civil rights and are these rights subordinate to the Church’s authority?”

Canon law is certainly not my field Joe. I will look at his as an ordinary non-Canon attorney. Corapi is suing his accuser for breach of confidentiality for breaking a condition of employment that she not reveal anything about her employment. I think it is a stretch to say that a confidentiality agreement would prevent her from revealing drug use or violation of celibacy by Corapi, but that is the basis of the lawsuit. Her attorney might well be counseling her not to say anything more since further comments might lead to further damages, although I would say such a risk would be minimal. Corapi of course should have waived the confidentiality agreements so that his accuser and witnesses could have spoken freely to the Church authorities. I would assume that his priesthood would be far more precious to him than enforcement of a civil contract. All of this underlines the dangers that can arise when priests establish businesses, especially when businesses are based on their preaching as priests. Trade and being a priest go ill together, and this is part of the Corapi saga that hasn’t received enough attention yet in my opinion.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 3:11pm


Comparing your experience in American civil law, which is generous to the accused, to a process in the Church that is quite the opposite is an apples to oranges comparison.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 3:12pm

Thanks, Paul P. I know I get snarky at times and tweak you believers, but deep down I believe in the truth and am always seeking it. As a freelance writer, I’m trying to dig out some facts. Appreciate the latitude that has been extended on TAC in allowing a diverse range of opinion.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 3:13pm

I just think that more evidence needs to come to light before we start going around saying we think he is guilty (or innocent for that matter) of what he is accused of. That’s not throwing common sense out the window at all.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Wednesday, June 22, AD 2011 3:20pm

Don, as for Corapi’s “business” side, consider that Bishop Sheen for several years hosted what likely was quite a profitable TV show but did not compromise (as far as we know) his integrity as a priest. I still watch Sheen and never got the sense of self-promotion and always admired his humility. However, someone must have made a lot of money from Life is Worth Living. Likewise, Sister Angelica and EWTN likely are in the black and although the network is not in the “business” of making a profit, it is the only way it can stay on the air.

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