Saturday, April 20, AD 2024 10:58am

Pope Francis Democrat?

Pope Francis Democrat


Jim Rosapepe, a Democrat state senator in Pennsylvania, in Politico talks up his old friend Martin O’Malley, soon to be the former Governor of Maryland, as the Democrat standard bearer in 2016 and hails him as a “Pope Francis Democrat”:


But, as one who has watched O’Malley up close during his years as governor, I find him more interesting and unusual in the modern Democratic Party. He’s a social justice Catholic—or, as some have called him, a Pope Francis Democrat—in the tradition of Mario Cuomo and Robert Kennedy. 

Consider O’Malley’s outspoken leadership last summer on the crisis of refugee children on America’s border with Mexico. When demagogues claimed that frightened ten year olds from El Salvador are a threat to our way of life, O’Malley asked Americans to remember the biblical injunction of hospitality to strangers and protection of children. He brought together faith leaders in Maryland to find the right refuges for young refugees in his own state. According to the federal government, more than 2,200 of these children have found refuge in Maryland. 

That’s the Martin O’Malley I know — acting on the values he learned from his family, from his Jesuit high school teachers, and from his college years at the Catholic University. And acting with the leadership skills of an Irish Catholic Democrat he learned in seven years as mayor of Baltimore and eight years as governor of Maryland. 

Today, Maryland is first in median family income, a top three state in income mobility, and first in K-12 education and boosting college affordability five years in a row. And Maryland is one of only nineteen states to recover all the jobs lost in the Great Recession. That’s change working families can take to the bank. 

O’Malley didn’t do this all by himself. But, with his Catholic social justice values and Irish political skills, he’s led Maryland’s progress for the past eight years. These are the traits he brings to the national stage.

Go here to read the rest.  I assume it is hardly necessary for me to note that O’Malley is a total pro-abort and a supporter of gay marriage?  Take note of the Pope Francis Democrat meme.  We are likely to hear much more of it in the years to come.


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Dante alighieri
Monday, January 12, AD 2015 9:17am

Yes, O’Malley’s policies were so obviously helpful to the people of this state that his hand-picked successor got crushed by double digits in a state where D’s outnumber R’s something like 2:1 if not 3:1. People and businesses are leaving this state in droves to look for better opportunities in states where they don’t tax the rain that falls on your roof.

Mary De Voe
Monday, January 12, AD 2015 9:18am

Pope Francis Democrat? Unless Martin O’Malley becomes pro-life, he will continue where Obama leaves off. Judas

Mary De Voe
Monday, January 12, AD 2015 9:26am

Paul: “People and businesses are leaving this state in droves to look for better opportunities in states where they don’t tax the rain that falls on your roof.”
My daughter returned to New Jersey because the taxes in Maryland are horrendous. Can the state tax an act of God like rain on the roof, lava flow, mud slide, wind and lightning? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Paul W Primavera
Monday, January 12, AD 2015 9:58am

Why is it that liberal progressive Democrats invoke Sacred Scripture when it comes to social justice – keeping the downtrodden shackled to the teat of the public treasury – but when it comes to baby murdering or sodomy, they say what Mario Cuomo articulated, “I am personally opposed but I do not wish to impose my belief on others.”

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, January 12, AD 2015 3:43pm

Yes, O’Malley’s policies were so obviously helpful to the people of this state that his hand-picked successor got crushed by double digits in a state where D’s outnumber R’s something like 2:1 if not 3:1.

What’s amusing about that is that in the last century Maryland has elected as it’s governor 10 Democrats of various stripes, 3 vaguely liberal Republicans who flanked the Democratic candidate on the left (Dixiecrats and machine hacks being common in Maryland up until about 25 years ago), and two roughly mainline Republicans (who took out Robert Kennedy’s daughter and O’Malley’s protégé). Large urban centers make up a comfortable majority of the state’s population, the supply of black voters is generous, and there’s a maraschino cherry on top for the Democrats with the abnormally population of federal employees in Montgomery and PG counties. You have to work to lose a statewide race as a Democrat in Maryland.

And it’s a nice little jab at O’Malley, who was hyped as an urban reformed 15 years ago and then left Baltimore in as wretched condition as it was when he found it (and managed to not notice the disaster brewing under his nose at the city jail).

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Monday, January 12, AD 2015 3:48pm

Maryland is the bluest of blue states. I wish the color thing would go away, as red is the color that most befit’s Maryland’s politics.

I was a four year resident of the People’s Republic of Maryland, 1989-1993. The state is clean – rarely any litter along the roads and a total opposite from Pennsylvania – and the roads are usually in great shape, albeit clogged with traffic.
Maryland is in the vise-like grip of the Democrats. Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties (suburban DC) and the City of Baltimore pretty much control the state. As the Democrat Party continues morphing into Lenin’s Bolsheviks, the Maryland Legislature thinks up of new and crazy ways to soak its citizens, like a rain tax. Bringing a car into Maryland is a nightmare both in terms of paperwork and in costs. They, at one time, considered assessing a personal property tax like Virginia has so they can tax the book value of Marylanders’ cars, boats, trucks, ATVs, trailers, motorhomes and the like. A man in Prince George’s County was sent to state prison for cutting down old oak trees on his property.

Maryland’s employment is subsidized by the Federal Government. Millions of employees of the Federal Government, its contractors, lobbyists, etc. helped Maryland survive the Great Recession with minimal damage. So O’Malley is gone and replaced by a Republican. The Republican will last ONE term and be replaced by a Democrat zombie, elected by Democrat zombies, just like what happened to Bob Erlich.

Pennsylvania looks like Texas compared to Maryland. That’s how bad Maryland is. York County has had a surge of residents – people who work in Maryland but have fled Maryland taxes.

Kyle Miller
Kyle Miller
Monday, January 12, AD 2015 4:28pm

Pope Francis Democrat implies some ideological agreement. That’s impossible since Pope Francis has denied being a Marxist.

Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Monday, January 12, AD 2015 6:11pm

I can see no way for a Democrat voter or politician to be a faithful Catholic. I cannot find the Gospel in which Jesus taught, “Render the poor unto Caesar”.

Monday, January 12, AD 2015 8:35pm

For those who are not from around here, let me assure the reader that all the accolades Mr. Rosapepe heaps upon us are generally false. Maryland’s economy has not recovered. The first signs of life appeared when our new R governor was elected in November; (Hope!). He is also Irish-Catholic, BTW.
It is commonly thought that O’Malley is the worst gov to ever rule MD, but I suspect that Paris Glendening would win that contest if he had the power that O’malley did.
All very sad. How often I’ve prayed that we may be delivered from tyrants.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Tuesday, January 13, AD 2015 8:05am

York County has had a surge of residents – people who work in Maryland but have fled Maryland taxes.

The taxes would not be a problem if they were used to (1) hire working cops to (2) make Baltimore (and swaths of Prince George’s county) livable. The city itself (not the suburbs) is quite handsome and could be a great place to live if it had a homicide rate of 9 per 100,000 and not 40 per 100,000. Some of the city’s pols were exhibitionistically indifferent to what Rudolph Giuliani was accomplishing in New York. Instead, they hired as jail guards women easily suborned by gang bosses.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Tuesday, January 13, AD 2015 8:13am

The Republican will last ONE term and be replaced by a Democrat zombie, elected by Democrat zombies, just like what happened to Bob Erlich.

A minor official named Robert Smith was on a discussion panel broadcast on Maryland Catholic Radio wherein he used the term ‘sexual deviancy’. He was fired by Ehrlich when a mouthy queer appointed to the same board (by DC authorities, it was a joint commission) complained. Ehrlich’s press secretary then insulted Smith in a press conference. In other words, it’s Ehrlich’s view and that of his press agent that people like you and me should not be able to articulate their viewpoints. That’s how he regards and treats his supporters. I’m perfectly happy that weasel is no longer in public life.

Tuesday, January 13, AD 2015 3:15pm

The only reason that “Maryland is first in median family income, a top three state in income mobility, and first in K-12 education and boosting college affordability five years in a row.” is because it is flush with access to thousands of government jobs in Maryland, DC and Virginia. Between the Governor, the State Legislature and most of the state county legislatures it is foremost a “tax and spend” state. They even tax the rain – yes, Maryland has a “rain tax”. They pushed through gambling in Maryland by touting the benefits to police and fire departments, education and infrastructure. They have taken in billions in gambling dollars and the police and fire departments are no better off than they were before, the schools are still turning out dunces and the roads have potholes that grow larger every year! Even our Federal Government Representatives and Senators are of the same mentality – tax and spend. I find it most amusing that writing a letter to my U.S. House Representative (who I did not vote for but thanks to recent redistricting that resulted in diluting conservative communities and put me in her district) or to my two U.S. Senators ALWAYS results in a response that touts the liberal ideology but never answers my specific question. O’Malley and his ilk are doing nothing to solve the problems of this country. Their only goal is to get the next Democratic vote.

Tuesday, January 13, AD 2015 3:22pm

Irish-Catholic ?
I wonder how many generations it takes to just be known as an American Catholic. I know his dad was in WS Army Air Force in WWII. One of his ancestors fought in war of 1812… ?

Sydney O. Fernandes
Sydney O. Fernandes
Tuesday, January 13, AD 2015 4:03pm

The infallible–no allusion to the religious variety!–litmus test for defining Pope Francis is the adulation or condemnation proffered by the Left, pro-aborts, pro-homosexual activists, pro-same-sex marriage, and advocates of indiscriminate redistribution of wealth and property: it is that simple.

Tuesday, January 13, AD 2015 6:42pm

Only the half of it:

I’ve wanted to post something by Blair Lee since reading the 1865 Davis note to Blair post. (Yes, DM, readers appreciate all those posts about the War Between the States, even if they don’t generate as much commentary.)
Anyway, Mr. Lee, (whose father was Lt. Gov way back in the day), is a great writer/commentator, but I rarely get much chance to hear him since the death of Ron Smith.

Tuesday, January 13, AD 2015 7:45pm

The rain tax is so half baked – a tax on the square footage of the foot prints of buildings, side walks, driveways or any other non-permeable surface. They may have lowered the rate, but still it’s a tax. Our hated Virginia personal property tax, which isn’t just on cars, but tools, machinery, and animals, was being phased out until a Democrat was elected governor. At least that tax is a holdover from colonial days, not a new tax pandering to the misquided Green donors in MD. Maybe Maryland keeps electing liberal Democrats because of all the illegals voting in Montgomery and Baltimore counties?

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