Thursday, April 18, AD 2024 1:27am

Truman Announces the Bombing of Hiroshima


Truman’s statement after Hiroshima was classic Harry Truman:  blunt, concise and no confusion about who had made the decision and what he intended to do next if Japan did not capitulate.  Truman did not write it, he was still at sea returning from the Potsdam conference, but Arthur W. Page who did captured Truman’s style perfectly.  His statement in the text given to the press that Hiroshima was an important army base has engendered a lot of criticism, although considering that the Second General Army, that commanded Japanese defenses in southern Japan, was headquartered in Hiroshima, and that on the day of the bombing there were 43,000 Japanese troops stationed in Hiroshima, of which 20,000 died, a good argument can be made for his interpretation.  Here is Truman’s statement:

A short time ago an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima and destroyed its usefulness to the enemy. That bomb had more power than 20,000 tons of TNT. It had more than two thousand times the blast power of the British “Grand Slam” which is the largest bomb ever yet used in the history of warfare.

The Japanese began the war from the air at Pearl Harbor. They have been repaid many fold. And the end is not yet. With this bomb we have now added a new and revolutionary increase in destruction to supplement the growing power of our armed forces. In their present form these bombs are now in production and even more powerful forms are in development.

It is an atomic bomb. It is a harnessing of the basic power of the universe. The force from which the sun draws its power has been loosed against those who brought war to the Far East.

Before 1939, it was the accepted belief of scientists that it was theoretically possible to release atomic energy. But no one knew any practical method of doing it. By 1942, however, we knew that the Germans were working feverishly to find a way to add atomic energy to the other engines of war with which they hoped to enslave the world. But they failed. We may be grateful to Providence that the Germans got the V-1’s and V-2’s late and in limited quantities and even more grateful that they did not get the atomic bomb at all.

The battle of the laboratories held fateful risks for us as well as the battles of the air, land, and sea, and we have now won the battle of the laboratories as we have won the other battles.

Beginning in 1940, before Pearl Harbor, scientific knowledge useful in was pooled between the United States and Great Britain, and many priceless helps to our victories have come from that arrangement. Under that general policy the research on the atomic bomb was begun. With American and British scientists working together we entered the race of discovery against the Germans.

The United States had available the large number of scientists of distinction in the many needed areas of knowledge. It had the tremendous industrial and financial resources necessary for the project and they could be devoted to it without undue impairment of other vital war work. In the United States the laboratory work and the production plants, on which a substantial start had already been made, would be out of reach of enemy bombing, while at that time Britain was exposed to constant air attack and was still threatened with the possibility of invasion. For these reasons Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt agreed that it was wise to carry on the project here. We now have two great plants and many lesser works devoted to the production of atomic power. Employment during peak construction numbered 125,000 and over 65,000 individuals are even now engaged in operating the plants. Many have worked there for two and a half years. Few know what they have been producing. They see great quantities of material going in and they see nothing coming out of these plants, for the physical size of the explosive charge is exceedingly small. We have spent two billion dollars on the greatest scientific gamble in history — and won.

But the greatest marvel is not the size of the enterprise, its secrecy, nor its cost, but the achievement of scientific brains in putting together infinitely complex pieces of knowledge held by many men in different fields of science into a workable plan. And hardly less marvelous has been the capacity of industry to design and of labor to operate, the machines and methods to do things never done before so that the brainchild of many minds came forth in physical shape and performed as it was supposed to do. Both science and industry worked under the direction of the United States Army, which achieved a unique success in managing so diverse a problem in the advancement of knowledge in an amazingly short time. It is doubtful if such another combination could be got together in the world. What has been done is the greatest achievement of organized science in history. It was done under pressure and without failure.

We are now prepared to obliterate more rapidly and completely every productive enterprise the Japanese have above ground in any city. We shall destroy their docks, their factories, and their communications. Let there be no mistake; we shall completely destroy Japan’s power to make war.

It was to spare the Japanese people from utter destruction that the ultimatum of July 26 was issued at Potsdam. Their leaders promptly rejected that ultimatum. If they do not now accept our terms they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth. Behind this air attack will follow sea and land forces in such number that and power as they have not yet seen and with the fighting skill of which they are already well aware.

The Secretary of War, who has kept in personal touch with all phases of the project, will immediately make public a statement giving further details.

His statement will give facts concerning the sites at Oak Ridge near Knoxville, Tennessee, and at Richland, near Pasco, Washington, and an installation near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Although the workers at the sites have been making materials to be used producing the greatest destructive force in history they have not themselves been in danger beyond that of many other occupations, for the utmost care has been taken of their safety.

The fact that we can release atomic energy ushers in a new era in man’s understanding of nature’s forces. Atomic energy may in the future supplement the power that now comes from coal, oil, and falling water, but at present it cannot be produced on a bases to compete with them commercially. Before that comes there must be a long period of intensive research. It has never been the habit of the scientists of this country or the policy of this government to withhold from the world scientific knowledge. Normally, therefore, everything about the work with atomic energy would be made public.

But under the present circumstances it is not intended to divulge the technical processes of production or all the military applications. Pending further examination of possible methods of protecting us and the rest of the world from the danger of sudden destruction.

I shall recommend that the Congress of the United States consider promptly the establishment of an appropriate commission to control the production and use of atomic power within the United States. I shall give further consideration and make further recommendations to the Congress as to how atomic power can become a powerful and forceful influence towards the maintenance of world peace.


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Paul W Primavera
Thursday, August 6, AD 2015 7:29am

” The force from which the sun draws its power has been loosed against those who brought war to the Far East.”
Technically correct – the sun in nuclear fusion draws its energy from the strong nuclear force, and the atomic bombs used at the end of WWII in nuclear fission draw their energy from the strong nuclear force. However, fusion of light nuclei is different than fission of heavy nuclei. Fusion of light nuclei releases energy from the change in mass due to binding energy differences between the light nuclei being fused and the heavier nuclei which result from the fusion. Fission of heavy nuclei releases energy from the change in mass due to binding energy differences between the heaviest nuclei being fissioned and the lighter nuclei which result from the fission. At the bottom of the binding energy curve is iron – all fusion of light elements and all fission of heavy elements go to the bottom (which is why an iron core is poison for a super nova). Fusion however releases more energy gram for gram than fission because the binding energy curve slop (ie., rate of change) is steeper between light elements and iron than between heavy elements and iron. The delta in curve slope accounts for the energy release. Additionally, in fusion the electrostatic coulomb repulsion of positively charged protons in the nuclei being fused must be overcomed by great energy input (which in the case of the sun is gravity and in the case of fusion weapons is a fission induced implosion and in the case of fusion power experiments like ITER or the old Soviet Tokamaks is magnetic field compression or laser / particle beam impingement) whereas in fission the use of neutrally charged neutrons to impinge on nuclei to split them apart involves no electrostatic coulomb repulsion. Therefore, fission is far easier to achieve than fusion (which accounts for why fusion energy is still just 50 years away and likkely always will be until we master artificial gravity).

Paul W Primavera
Thursday, August 6, AD 2015 7:43am

“I shall recommend that the Congress of the United States consider promptly the establishment of an appropriate commission to control the production and use of atomic power within the United States. I shall give further consideration and make further recommendations to the Congress as to how atomic power can become a powerful and forceful influence towards the maintenance of world peace.”
The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 established the old Atomic Energy Commission. It was an amendment to 1946 act. See In the early 1970s the AEC was broken apart into the US Department of Energy and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The US DOE is supposed to promote energy-related issues and th US NRC is supposed to be an unbiased, impartial safety regulator. That was the case until the current anti-nuclear Administration put anti-nuclear activitists into certain key positons within the US NRC and created a hostile regulatory environment. That said, the overwhelming majority of people in the US NRC are good, hard working public servants who simply want to protect public health and safety.
As for the economic competitiveness of nuclear energy, it is difficult to compete when the regulatory playing field isn’t leveled and certain industries get unfair economic advantage over others. Case in point: if coal power were subject to the same radiological release limits as nukes, then not a single coal plant would be operating becauuse of the radioactivity that naturally occurs from uranium, thorium and radium in coal. The same is true of fracking for oil or gas – those industries would not survive if they were not permitted to release radioactivity that occurs naturall from the ground during the fracking process, and which exceeds what a nuke is allowed to release during normal operation. And as for unfair economic advantage, can we all spell Solyndra. Solar and wind are useless for baseload power and yet they receive unfair economic advantage. I could go on but I will stop for now. Truman’s and Eisenhower’s dream has gone by the way side in this era of green energy, black death. 🙁

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