Friday, April 19, AD 2024 6:29am

Dissolving Catholicism




I am so glad that Dale Price is once again regularly blogging at his blog Dyspeptic Mutterings, since my motto has always been to steal borrow from the best!


A useful short history of the king’s water can be found here.

Since 1965, Catholicism has had its own version of aqua regia, and the Church has been guzzling it. It’s called ecumenism, but it has gone well beyond rational discussion to a positive hysteria–ecumania, if you will. And it appears to have made ecumaniacs of the USCCB, what with their recommendation for expanded intercommunion.

Sounds positively ecumaniacal, in fact. A better dissolver of Catholic teaching you will not find.

Look, those close to me and my handful of devoted readers know I’m a convert from mainline Protestantism. I wasn’t practicing much before I converted. Honestly, if a Religion Detector Monitor had existed and I’d been hooked up to it, it probably would have read “Deist with a healthy measure of appreciation for Christendom and the Bible.”

I like to think that I’ve spent the last sixteen years becoming a somewhat useful disciple of Christ in His Catholic Church. Lord knows, I‘ve had my spiritual bumps on the way, and my worldview has shifted from 1999–in some ways, radically.

And my beloved wife and I have had some less than smooth sailing. We dropped her income when we had our second. And then our third came along–three kids in three calendar years plus 10 days. We’ve been crammed seven of us into 880 square feet with no basement or garage–that back in 2010. My car is older than all our kids. We’ve had other financial turbulence I’d rather not discuss.

Still, discipleship costs. I can accept that.  

And then I read that we really need to share the Eucharist with the titular Evangelical Lutherans (as opposed to, say, the evangelical Lutherans in the Missouri Synod–from whom the late Fr. Neuhaus sprang). Despite the fact that, you know, they don’t believe in all that Catholic crap.

Huh.  But, apparently, that’s not enough to deny the source and summit of the Christian life, the sacrament of Catholic unity, to members of an ecclesial community which is drifting further away from us in oh-so-many-ways.

The ELCA says that abortion is often a “morally responsible choice.” And while it claims to frown on abortions after “fetal viability,” baby-killing Doctor George Tiller was a member in good standing of the ELCA, as the church website solemnly notes. [And don’t even try to jump into my face suggesting I‘m happy with Tiller’s murder. WRONG.] Yeah–can’t wait to gather around the alt–er, table and sing Kumbaya.

But, we must march ahead. Forward, forward-always forward, eh, yes? No.

I mean, really–communion with the ELCA immerses Catholic witness in a vat of aqua regia, turning her gold into powder. On what basis do we require anyone to hold to the Catholic faith–much less to be properly disposed–before approaching the altar?

If you have a daughter undergoing first communion prep, why does she have to go to confession before receiving when the Lutherans do not

Or, more topically: Lutherans remarried after divorce: come on down for this moving ecumenical moment! 

Catholics–not so fast!


Go here to read the rest.  Faiths which require much from their adherents usually flourish and those which require little usually disappear over time.  Catholicism has been around for 2000 years as a very demanding Faith in many ways.  Now we have men at the helm, willfully ignorant of the history of the Church, who seem to wish in this generation to undue the work one hundred generations of Catholics.  We are led by fools and worse than fools.  May God forgive them, and may He, through us, stop them!

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Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Sunday, November 8, AD 2015 6:19am

On the subject of Inter-communion, in one of his sermons (which I cannot trace, but quote from memory) in an exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, St Jerome exploits the fruitful ambiguity of the Latin, “in sanctam esslesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem” to expound it as “the holy Catholic Church, which is a sharing in holy things.” Grammatically, he treats “sanctorum” as neuter and the phrase “sanctorum communionem” (usually translated as communion of saints) as appositional. Other Fathers do the same, preserving both meanings.
The sacraments are not merely a sign of the Church’s unity; they constitute it.

Sunday, November 8, AD 2015 7:02am

When the Lutherans reject and turn their backs on “the man with the 95 theses”, then we can sit down and talk unity with them.

Sunday, November 8, AD 2015 8:14am

The ground being prepared by the OCP sing a song

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Sunday, November 8, AD 2015 8:53am

Ignoring them does not make them go away.

Sunday, November 8, AD 2015 11:19am

Ecumenism of atrophied faiths.

This looks like the old game of last man(faith) standing. Assimilation of other failing religions and immigration stocking, while yours is only slightly behind them, doesn’t change the downward spiral at all–it merely makes the thud louder when you hit bottom.

All boats appear to be sinking except radical Islam at this point, but then, they aren’t afraid to adhere to their faith no matter what how uncomfortable it makes people.

Art Deco
Sunday, November 8, AD 2015 11:34am

What is Rod Dreher doing in Lutheran vestments?

Monday, November 9, AD 2015 1:04am

[…] last commendable step comes from the American Catholic, who are on record with these […]

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Monday, November 9, AD 2015 3:12am

It appears that Ecumenism is in conflict with the New Evangelization . Perhaps Catholics have been lost due to Ecumenism and the Church is trying to get them back via New
Evangelization indicating a kind strategic schizophrenia in the Church’s marketing program. What do you think?

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Monday, November 9, AD 2015 12:11pm

Transgendering to correct God, (What God has joined together…let no man put asunder.”), ecumenism to correct God, faith is a gift from God. Religion is man’s response to the gift of faith from God. Without the gift of faith from God what is there to ecumenate with?

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