Friday, April 19, AD 2024 11:46pm

Quotes Suitable for Framing: Adolph Hitler



We are Socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions. In the future there must be no ranks or classes, and you must not let them begin to grow in you!

Adolph Hitler, May 1, 1927, Berlin May Day Speech

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Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Sunday, November 22, AD 2015 9:30pm

This needs to be shoved in the face of every godless liberal progressive Democrat. They are no different than their Nazi forefathers.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 1:03am

Literally, I have blocked a Socialist that I deal with on a daily basis & her socialist friends on a social media site. All they know how to do is yell & scream & insult. 2 days later, I went to lunch with another Socialist–rode in her car to go through the drive through to get fast food, and the 2nd Sociaist yelled & screamed & insulted & threatened me over my experience with the first Socialist–to the point where I thought I might need to defend myself physically. The 2nd Socialist tried to drag me with her car when I tried to get out of the car–locked the child safety locks to keep me from being able to get out or yell for help to those whom we were passing–and told me that she was “going to tell everybody how crazy” I am. If there had been other witnesses and/or if I had my phone & cud have recorded the incident to law enforcement–I would have pressed charges. By the way, both of these Socialists are high school social studies teachers. One got a venereal disease while camping out with Occupy Wallatreet–the other states plainly that she agrees with Communists ideology. The Communist is teaching Civics to students–year after year after year.

Monday, November 23, AD 2015 3:12am

The key part of that socialism rant by Herr Hitler, was the always default words: ‘in the future.”
Call me when it works, though we are about to see it accelerated world-wide with this three-pronged “global-warming/new ice-age/climate change” agenda being birthed in the UN in a few weeks.
This pope’s call for nations to (re)distribute the wealth defies this Catholic’s understanding of the clear violation of subsidiarity–which Pius XI call gravely wrong.

Monday, November 23, AD 2015 4:06am

Are you positive the above quote wasn’t taken from the DNC platform? Both ideology’s have the diabolical as the author.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 7:19am

All liberals are fascists. And, they are all for big, controlling government. Regarding progressives’ enthusiasm for statist coercion. Walter Lippman wrote, “Their weapons are the coercive direction of the life and labor of mankind. Their doctrine is that disorder and misery can be overcome only by more and more compulsory organization. Their promise is that through the power of the state men can be made happy… Throughout the world, in the name of progress, men who call themselves communists, socialists, fascists, nationalists, progressives, and even liberals, are unanimous in holding that government with its instruments of coercion must by commanding the people how they shall live, direct the course of civilization and fix the shape of things to come. …the mark of a progressive is that he relies at last upon the increased power of officials to improve the condition of men… the only instrument of progress in which they have faith is the coercive agency of government.”

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 7:36am

I think it’s rather de trop to try to stick post-war social democrats or post-1965 new age liberals with the bill for Hitler and Mussolini. The Nazi Party, the Fasci, the Ustase, and the Iron Guard were all rather dissimilar to the more conventional authoritarianisms of inter-war Europe and the only post-war movements which have much of an affinity for them would be certain varieties of Arab nationalism and a transient mob-macho strand of politics in Central America.

Monday, November 23, AD 2015 7:59am

Art, the Sangh Parivar in India is also moving in that direction.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 8:20am

“Hitler and Stalin had much in common, and the longer they ruled the more alike their states became.”

Just like the end of sin is death (on a massive scale,) the end of Socialism is death (on a massive scale.) It may take a while to get there –but the end result is death.

The rate of death by govt increases as the depth of Socialist/government control increases.

Jeanne Rohl
Jeanne Rohl
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 8:50am

A very fine line people. Avery fine line. Barbara, you need new friends!

Monday, November 23, AD 2015 9:38am

“The Communist is teaching Civics to students- year after year after year.” Barbara Gordon.

And homeschooling is frowned upon.

The shame must be shared with the parents of said students if they haven’t engaged their children via homework or meal time recaps of the days affairs.

As Jeanne R. pointed out; time for some new friends indeed.

c matt
c matt
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 9:45am

Nazi was short for National Socialist, wasn’t it? As Philip says – compare the contents of this speech to the DNC platform or for what your typical leftist agitates, and see how similar are the two. If the socialist shoe fits….

Art Deco
Art Deco
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 10:48am

Art, Nazism is widely regarded as a right wing movement, and I view that as incorrect. Just as Mussolini started out as a socialist,

I agree with you that the shorthand which lumps the Nazi Party etc in with a grab bag of dissimilar tendencies is inane and often vicious. Now look at what your commenters have done with that implicit observation.

We’d be well advised to read Alvin Gouldner and Thomas Sowell if we want to understand the political pathologies of our age, not the political pathologies of my grandmother’s young adult years. The precedent for today’s pathologies may be found in the Spanish Republic, not Hitler’s Germany.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 11:45am

What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell the same, and so would a stink weed. They are all of the same species, Statists. Those who seek to establish a man-made heaven on earth though government coercion know no bounds. Any level of control achieved whets an appetite for more. Hitler, Lenin and others started out with violent and strident takeovers, while more timid Bolsheviks without bullets nibble away at our liberty.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 11:46am

“Barbara, you need new friends!”

These 2 were work acquaintances, only. I was never “friends” with either of them. My contact with them has been through a work related organization–but I have ended that as well.

I never brought up my disagreement with their political views–they were the agressors on that matter. Again, I have ended all in-person contact with either of them. I don’t have time for unnecessary drama.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 11:51am

“And homeschooling is frowned upon.”

“The shame must be shared with the parents of said students if they haven’t engaged their children via homework or meal time recaps of the days affairs.”

The Communist/Socialist yelled & screamed and said that the Nazis & the govt of the former Soviet Union never called themselves “Socialists.”. She told me that I didn’t know what I was talking about–that she was a “historian.” *rolls eyes* May God help the children under her in Civics & Economics.

Monday, November 23, AD 2015 12:12pm

I call them Totalitarian Types (or “Ti Ti’s” for short. ) I’ve a good friend, a very nice person, who is an admitted liberal Democrat. A socialist, I suppose, though we’ve never spoken in depth about politics or economics. We’ve avoided that issue. I note he has a craving for order and control. I cannot understand why, as I think it makes him miserable.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 12:26pm

I have a craving for order and control – my order and my control. My mentor in a 12 step program told me that was simply my alcohol-ISM (I, Self and Me) coming out. My priest-confessor (his 12 step mentor) had the audacity to agree.

Monday, November 23, AD 2015 1:53pm

William P. Walsh.
” They are all of the same species, Statists.”
Who do these people think they are?
You nailed it!

Barbara Gordon.
Aquantice only! Thank goodness.
Historian’s like her “hang the heroes and lament the scoundrel’s.” I’m guessing her brown shirts are clean and pressed.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 2:55pm

Everything the left spews is deceit. To compare Americans seeking to preserve their unalienable rights to life, liberty and property with Nazis is complete calumny. Opposition to Bolshevism/world communism may be the only area of agreement among the US right-wing (no one counts as American the lunatic Bund) and Nazism may have agreed. That opposition is the worldwide, useless idiots’ gravest execration of Hitler.

Monday, November 23, AD 2015 3:35pm

Iraqi Christian’s were sent back to Iraq per the Obama administration. No safe harbor.
Obama pushes for Syrian refugees regardless of vetting issues, to take safe harbor in the US.
Adolph Hitler laughing his arss off at the irony of it all.
Nazis and Liberals might not be the same thing, but the Muslim brotherhood is loving all of it! All of it!
You can’t write this stuff up.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Monday, November 23, AD 2015 4:08pm

My friend’s wife grew up in the Soviet Union and came here shortly after it went bust. She says that the Soviets were not communists, they were socialists. It is not what one calls oneself, it is what one is. Communist = Socialist, Nazi = Socialist, Liberal = Socialist, Progressive = Socialist, Democrat = Fill in the Blank.

c matt
c matt
Tuesday, November 24, AD 2015 10:32am

said that the Nazis & the govt of the former Soviet Union never called themselves “Socialists.”

Seriously?!? Whether or not they in fact fit some definition of “socialist,” they most certainly did call themselves such: National Socialists (Nazis) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). I mean, it’s right there in the names!! Liberals/socialists were never really good at facts.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Thursday, November 26, AD 2015 3:31am

“Seriously?!? Whether or not they in fact fit some definition of “socialist,” they most certainly did call themselves such: National Socialists (Nazis) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). I mean, it’s right there in the names!! Liberals/socialists were never really good at facts.”

My thoughts, exactly. Ronald Reagan was quoted as saying that the problem with liberals is that they know so much–that simply isn’t so.

This self identified daughter of a Cuban Communist, who also fully supports Communism, became incensed when I answered her questions, honestly. She said that social security and Medicare were Socialism –and demanded to know if I agreed with those policies. I am very libertarian minded on many issues (I want the govt to leave me & others alone as much as possible.) I am tired beyond words of the govt forcibly taking my money (just try not paying Medicare & social security taxes on your income in most states & watch what happens!) and misspending/misappropriating it–then demanding more of my money!! When I told this Communist that I did not agree with the govt being in the retirement & insurance business by forcibly taking money people have earned-it was more than she could deal with. She literally went beserk. It was at that point that she told me to get the “F” out of her car–and then refused to let me out when I refused to take such treatment. Liberals (in the modern pooitical sense of the term, i.e. Bernie Sabders) don’t have logical explantations of their political views–all they have is pure emotion & mantra to back up their views–and when liberals are challenged on those views–the cognitive dissonance is likely to make them behave in very strange ways. That is why I simply block them online. The Bible says that you are foolish to answer a fool in the foolish manner in which the fool addresses you (Book of Proverbs.)

With my conservative/Constitutionalist/libertarian combination of political views and my religious faith/practice–I constantly hear & see viewpoints/actions, etc., with which I do not agree–but as I don’t see it as my purpose in life to force others to agree with me–I just go and do my job/live my life, etc., to the best of my ability. I had listened to these Socialist/Communists for almost 2 years & not said a word of my disagreement until directly asked. I guess this Communist has never had anyone disagree with her views before (maybe?).

My biggest concern is these type folks’ reflexive response to listening to something with which they disagree–almost without fail–they act to shut down the free speech rights if those with whom they disagree. They simply will not allow speech with which they disagree. This type of reflexive behavior concerns me for the students who are under their authority in their classes. If they must shut down adult speech with which they do not agree by personal attacks & intimidation of the adults with whom they disagree—what do they do with their students?!?

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Thursday, November 26, AD 2015 3:45am

“All liberals are fascists. And, they are all for big, controlling government. Regarding progressives’ enthusiasm for statist coercion. Walter Lippman wrote, ‘Their weapons are the coercive direction of the life and labor of mankind. Their doctrine is that disorder and misery can be overcome only by more and more compulsory organization. Their promise is that through the power of the state men can be made happy… Throughout the world, in the name of progress, men who call themselves communists, socialists, fascists, nationalists, progressives, and even liberals, are unanimous in holding that government with its instruments of coercion must by commanding the people how they shall live, direct the course of civilization and fix the shape of things to come. …the mark of a progressive is that he relies at last upon the increased power of officials to improve the condition of men… the only instrument of progress in which they have faith is the coercive agency of government.’”

Exactly. Govt is god-a very uncompassionate god who does not care if your income is just $2 above the govt’s arbitrary limit set for the receipt of a given service–you won’t get the “help” if you don’t fit in the relatively, politically set, govt guidelines. You also won’t get the help you need from the govt if you don’t have he requisit gender and/or ethnicity.

Re: govt’s coercive force: It consists of 1. Harrasment 2. Taking your privately owned property 3. Taking your ability to earn a living from you 4. Taking your freedom from you.

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