Friday, May 10, AD 2024 9:49pm

Predictions 2020

Time for me to go where angels fear to tread and make my predictions for the coming year:

  1.  Trump will be re-elected president.  With a great economy Trump already has the prime asset for the re-election of a President.  The Democrats, very sporting of them actually, are enraging his base with a doomed to fail impeachment attempt.  Trump has a unified GOP behind him, and will outspend any adversary, two advantages he lacked in 2016 where most of the GOP establishment assumed that he would be clobbered and that they would then resume business as usual, and Clinton outspent him two to one.  I expect his opponent to be either Biden or Warren.  My faith in Biden to choke in Democrat presidential primaries is undiminished, so I think his opponent will be Warren.  I suspect that Trump will increase his electoral win column by one or two states, in addition to what he won in 2016, and that he will win the popular vote.
  2.  No change in the Senate which means the GOP retains control.
  3.  The Republicans have a lot of ground to make up in the House, but I expect them to take control, probably narrowly.
  4.  The Cubs will not win the World Series.
  5.  Financial scandals will beset the Vatican with revelations which will shock the most cynical of observers.
  6.  A major advance in the path to a faster than light drive.
  7.  Cardinal Pell will win his appeal and his conviction will be overturned.
  8.  Hong Kong unrest will spread to the mainland of China with the Communist regime facing its gravest challenge since it came to power in 1949.
  9.  The reign of the mullahs will end in a bloody revolt in Iran.
  10.  McClarey will be wrong in some of his predictions.
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George Haberberger
George Haberberger
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 6:56am

I think number 6 guarantees number 10.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 7:05am

Ditto to George H. This is the most promising idea, but it’s 50 years away.

PS, we can’t even do self-sustaining controlled fusion – that was 20 years away when I was a kid and 50 years later it’s still 20 years away. How can we do superluminal flight?

Physics is immutable and undefiable. Science Fiction is neither.

Friday, December 27, AD 2019 7:19am

“8. Hong Kong unrest will spread to the mainland of China with the Communist regime facing its gravest challenge since it came to power in 1949.” 2019: I too believe that the seventy years of Babylonian exile for the Chinese citizens will end. Things in the world are moving fast.
“9. The reign of the mullahs will end in a bloody revolt in Iran.”
1979: Again after 40 years of wandering in the desert I too believe a revolt will free Iranians from their satanic Mullahs and offer them a free society IF they can keep it.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 7:20am

Our knowledge of physics is mutable and defiable. Physics isn’t.

There will always be new discoveries, better theories to explain physical reality, etc. That said, I would bet on controlled fusion before superluminal drive, and as I said, that was 20 years away when I was a child, and it’s still 20 years away. Bending space for warp drive is a whole lot more difficult than forcing like charges of deuterium & tritium together past the Coulomb barrier, and without a fission explosion or stellar gravity, so far controlling that for net energy production has proven to be beyond our reach. Those are the facts.

Now I could be wrong. But…..we’ll see.

Friday, December 27, AD 2019 7:25am

I’ve got to agree with Donald on this– “physics” is the word for “human theory of the physical laws of nature.”

We keep making assumptions that work well enough until we get more information or enter a different environment.
Same as any other science, really… oddly enough, I’ve been taking part in a conversation about genetics. You’d think that genetic inheritance would be easy, right? But even something as simple as ‘blue eyes’ that gets used as an example, we’re still learning about. Latest I’ve found is that there are actually two recessives, any one of them working means brown eyes, except for when it doesn’t and we’re not sure why.

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 8:54am

Number 6? Any reason why? Have you read something?

Most of the latest groups entering the space race have been having problem either getting up or getting down. Minus some technological miracle I have little hope of ever seeing a FTL drive.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 9:37am

I think we are dealing with semantics now. Merriam Webster gives the definition of physics as follows:

1: a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions
2a: the physical processes and phenomena of a particular system
b: the physical properties and composition of something

Science comes from the Latin scientia, which derives from the root word scio meaning “I know.” So I’ll concede Donald’s and Foxfier’s point if definition number 1 from Merriam Webster is being used.

But if definitions 2a and / or 2b are being used, then I do not concede the point.

It is impossible for matter containing mass greater than zero to travel in excess of 186,282 miles per second. Period. Cannot be done. BUT – that’s a big BUT – space can be warped (e.g., by gravity next to a large gravity source) to bend and thus foreshorten the distance between two points. As of yet there is NO KNOWN physical way of doing this outside a black hole. I await the engineering of such a method, which presupposes the science (scientia) which we don’t have.

Again, controlled self-sustaining fusion will be developed BEFORE warp drive. It’s easy to push past the Coulomb barrier so that the strong nuclear force takes over than it is to push matter containing mass super-luminally.

Right now, given the science we DO have, I would prefer we invest on developing this to explore the solar system, colonizing the Moon, Mars and the Asteroid Belt, instead of wasting money on warp drive and fusion (forgive the music):

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 9:53am

We struggle with propelling men’s heart’s and mind’s towards their brothers and sisters in need, how then can we wonder in amazement a future scientific breakthrough?

Be amazed indeed at a conversion your brother in law has experienced or at the grace at work at a pregnant woman who turns around in Planned Parenthood’s parking lot to save her baby because of a handful of prayer warriors on the sidewalk.

These are astoundingly by far greater achievements than warp drives since they saves lives that exist now, today, in our midst. Time travel starts when a soul commits itself to serving God. A God who is timeless and has a vantage point that warp drives can not attain.

Wet blanket Phil.

Maybe so.
I just wish we had the enthusiasm to Be Saints…not just read about them.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 10:50am

I’ll be the ghoul.

RBG will pass on to her eternal reward and Trump will nominate ACB to succeed her on the Supreme Court.

David WS
David WS
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 4:32pm

There’s a speed limit in the Universe.
| C |
And that’s a good thing. Keeps all fallen or non fallen beings separated to work out their salvation.

And there’s no “time travel”. Much to that ancient serpent’s chagrin there will be no “next time”.
The Arrow of Time moves Forward->

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 4:40pm

David WS is correct. Warp drive would likely allow circumvention of the arrow of time. God has placed limits on that via the laws of physics which neither man nor Satan can violate.

Lawrence Noel Brown
Lawrence Noel Brown
Friday, December 27, AD 2019 5:05pm

I tried to read Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus and was blocked for a lack of an invitation. How do I get an invitation?

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Saturday, December 28, AD 2019 3:38am

All good predictions. Wished it would have included the resignation of “Pope” Francis.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Saturday, December 28, AD 2019 5:23am

@ Lawrence Noel Brown – I believe I have fixed the problem. If you now click my name, your screen should go to my blog (I think).

Saturday, December 28, AD 2019 9:23am

I think we are dealing with semantics now.

Well, of course we are; Donald used sense 1, you corrected as if he’d used sense 2, and he pointed out that he’d used sense 1 and why.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Saturday, December 28, AD 2019 11:12am

I think there will be enough vote fraud in New York, California and maybe Illinois to prevent Trump winning the popular vote.

Saturday, December 28, AD 2019 12:28pm

Whoa, I love these predictions! I hope Mr. McClarey is NOT wrong, but I would also like to hear his take on the USMCA treaty proposal.

Saturday, December 28, AD 2019 12:29pm

As for #5, I certainly hope a big shock will wake some people up.

Saturday, December 28, AD 2019 6:23pm

Speaking of FTL, PBS has a science show titled Space Time that covers a wide range of topics. They did a show about the Alcubierre Warp Drive, it is on their YouTube Channel, titled “Is The Alcubierre Warp Drive Possible?.” URL:

They also have covered time travel and other speculative subjects.

Saturday, December 28, AD 2019 8:30pm

Praying people will be very busy praying more intensely. Evangelization will be a priority.
Spiritual darkness will deepen. Astro-Jesus will be big news. Conservative voices will self-stifle even at kitchen tables. “Epochal change”! Pray for wisdom. And courage.
Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons pray for us: Saint Joseph, just, prudent, temperate and strong pray for us

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Sunday, December 29, AD 2019 3:45am

Anzlyne +1

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